The 5 best places to live to increase your life expectancy

If you are planning on living forever you may want to consider relocating to a new locale.  Where?  Well, Dan Buetter, author of “Blue Zones: 9 lessons for living longer from the people who’ve lived the longest”, has done the work for us.  He has travelled the world tracking the 5 best places to live to increase your  life expectancy.

The following places were outlined as the top five places to keep you alive and kicking:

#5 Okinawa, Japan

Women live long in Okinawa, Japan

For women specifically, Okinawa Japan is one of the most fruitful places to live.

In 2013, Misa Okawa was named The Guinness World Record Book holder for being the oldest woman alive at the age of 115.  Misa is among one of the 50,000 centenarians from Japan, making Japan one of the best places to be if you want to live a long time.  And, Okinawa just so happens to be a leader when it comes to longevity.

Why do people live longer in Okinawa?

A diet rich in vegetables and fish leads researchers to believe that the cause of longevity in Okinawa, and Japan at large, is attributed to their healthy diet.  The Japanese culture on average consumes 25% fewer calories than their North America friends.  Naomi Moriyama, co-author of “Japanese Women Don’t Get Old or Fat: Secrets of My Mother’s Tokyo Kitchen”, says that the Japanese diet, “concentrates the magnificent energy of food into a compact and pleasurable size.”

The Okinawans are also known to lead a low-stress lifestyle.  They are not run by clocks and alarm systems and have no concept of rush hour. Most Okinawans take time to meditate daily.

And, lastly, genetics plays a role.  The Japanese people are less genetically predisposed to a variety of harmful diseases. And when they do get sick they use natural medicinal products to treat their ailments.

#4 Nuoro highlands of Sardinia

If you are a male you may want to check out home in a Sardinia, in Nuoro to be precise.  Sardinia, a Mediterranean island 120 miles off the coast of Italy hosts the world’s longest-lived men. In a cluster of 17 villages in island’s highland Nuoro, Province, you find nearly 10 times the number of centenarians per 1000 people than you do in America.

Men live long in Nuoro, Sardinia
Nuoro, Sardinia

Why do people live longer in Sardinia?

The male population of Nuoro is comprised of mainly farmers, labourers and sheep herders that maintain a lifestyle rich in physical activity. Walking is a standard part of their lives. Sardinian centenarians walk long distances their entire lives and suffer from half as many fractures as their Italian counterparts.

Sardinians consume milk and cheese, not from dairy cows but from goats. The goats in this region have a unique quality. They eat dwarf curry, a plant currently used in the U.S. to make anti-inflammatory drugs. Sardinians also consume large quantities of dark red wine, fava beans, and barley.

A positive attitude could also be the answer to their life lengthening success.  They take time out of their days to stop and enjoy the simple beauty of their surroundings and spend a great deal of their life in nature’s bounty. They foster a sarcastic sense of humor, and a unique outlook and perspective on life. This attitude helps them shed stress and diffuse arguments before they start.

#3 Nicoya Pennisula of Costa Rica

Just across the Taiwan Friendship Bridge, which spans the alligator-infested Tempisque River, lies an 80-mile-long finger of land, the Nicoyan Peninsula. The tropical sun dominates this area, located just south of the Nicaraguan border, along the Pacific coast.  Until 2003 Nicoya was an isolated region accessible only by ferry until the Taiwan Friendship bridge was constructed.

Nicoya, Costa Rica is a great place to live
Cost Rica

Why do people live longer in Costa Rica?

Nicoyans drink hard water. High amounts of calcium and magnesium, essential for bone and muscle strength, can be found in Nicoya’s water. By drinking and cooking with this water, people here get their daily intake of calcium throughout their entire lives.   The Nicoyans also eat rich, colorful fruits. The maroñon, a red-orange fruit with more vitamin C than oranges and the anona, a pear-like fruit rich in antioxidants are the Nicoyans nutrient dense longevity foods.

You may have heard of the common term “raison d’etre”, meaning “reason for being”.  This approach to life is a necessity in Nicoyan society and known as their “plan de vida”.  The plan de vida gives them a sense of purpose and nourishes a rich lifestyle with community at the core of their value system.

#2 Loma Linda, California

The oldest Americans live in Loma Lind, California
Loma Linda California

If you want to reside in North America you should check out Loma Linda, a town 60 miles east of Los Angeles.  Loma Linda contains about 9,000 Seventh-day Adventists that are the longest-lived people in America. The Adventists, which came to California in the 1840s, built a culture focused on health by encouraging vegetarianism, and discouraging alcohol, smoking, and soda. The Adventists also managed various water treatment centres, or spas, where people came to relax and unwind.

Why do people live longer in Loma Linda?

Adventists have reduced rates of heart disease, diabetes and cancer, including lung, heart disease and diabetes, compared to the average American which stems from their diet rich in nuts. Further studies linked drinking 5-6 glasses of water to heart health, decreasing the rate of heart attacks.

The Adventist culture is known for their altruism. The practice of volunteering has been known to stave off depression and positively contribute to a rich social network.

#1 Ikaria, Greece

Also known as the island of long life, Ikaria Greece is home to oldest living people in the world.  Deep within the Aegean sea, 35 miles off the coast of Turkey lies the Greek island of Ikaria. People are three times more likely to reach age 90 here than in the U.S.

Ikaria Greece has the oldest people in the world
Ikaria, Greece

Why do people live longer in Ikaria, Greece?

Chronic diseases are a rarity in Ikaria. People living in this region have 20% less cancer, half the rate of cardiovascular disease, and almost no dementia!  It could be attributed to the emphasis on daily napping, which has been proven to reduce your chance of cardiovascular disease by up to 35%.

People traditionally have farming or fishing jobs and live in a mountainous terrain, which keep them active throughout life.  Physical activity is a staple to the Ikarian lifestyle.

They eat a variation of the Mediterranean diet, rich in olive oil, whole grains, fruit and a little fish. Goat milk and wine are also traditional here and loaded with antioxidants.   They also drink tea.  Many of the teas in Ikaria act as mild diuretics and are prescribed by doctors to lower blood pressure.

So, in the end what did we learn?  You don’t  necessarily have to move to change your lifestyle just learn from the people that have got it right.  Eat healthy, a diet with ample vegetables and less red meat.  Incorporate physical activity into your everyday life. Spend time with your community.  People give us rich social connection that helps us thrive. And, if you are lucky, make like an Ikarian and take a daily nap!

Heart replacement device from Texas

Two doctors have invented a heart replacement device that is keeping a man alive without a heartbeat. The gadget which replaced his failing heart pushes blood like water through a garden hose. So there is no heartbeat. Amazing.

See how it was done in this short (under 4 minute) mini documentary.

Heart Stop Beating is the story of Billy Cohn and Bud Frazier, two doctors from the Texas Heart Institute, who in the spring of 2011 replaced a dying man’s heart with the device they developed, demonstrating that life  is possible without a pulse or a heart beat, with the right technology.

The documentary is called: Heart Stop Beating (click the link to see it now).



Heart stops beating




Bacon is good for your waistline (and won’t kill you)

Bacon might actually be good for you If you think eating bacon will kill you, think again.

According to health and fitness guru Mina Yun:

1) Bacon fat is 50% monunsaturated (the same kind as olive oil), and has antioxidants that are more powerful than vitamin E.

2) Bacon from pastured pigs that forage in the sun is also a good source of vitamin D.

3) Bacon is high in saturated fat and cholesterol, but that doesn’t matter because there’s nothing wrong with saturated fat and cholesterol.  (read: “The Cholesterol Myths” by Uffe Ravnskoff.)

4) Bacon’s high-fat content keeps you satisfied and levels out your blood sugar, which will keep you from eating that donut later on, which will help you lose weight.

5) Sodium nitrite – a traditional curing salt for bacon, as well as a growing health concern – might not be such a bad thing, afterall.

6) Not all bacon is created equal. Choose wisely.

Don’t believe it? Read Mina’s post here:

Cancer breakthroughs: Here come drugs that block tumors

Cancer breakthroughs in June have stunned the medical world and cleared the way for development of drugs that halt cancerous growths in their tracks and prevent their spreading. The new science gives millions of people suffering from the disease hope and a new tool to fight for their lives.

A summary of the new research from the University College London:

  • Researchers say they’ve observed for the first time how cancer spreads throughout the body and metastasizes.
  • Cancerous cells tend to follow healthy cells through the bloodstream. The infected cell sniffs out healthy cells by sensing the chemical makeup of its environment.
  • The discovery means drugs that disrupt this interaction would essentially prevent  (the spread of cancer cells).
  • It will take several years before scientists have a handle on a therapy based on the research.

Breast Cancer Breakthrough

Another major breakthrough brings hope to breast cancer patients. Researchers at the Duke Cancer Institute announced a drug already on the market in Europe, approved to treat osteoporosis, can also stop late-stage breast cancer.

  • The drug bazedoxifene binds to the estrogen receptor and interferes with its activity and degrades the receptor to get rid of it.
  • The drug affects cancerous cells dependent on estrogen and cells that have developed a resistance to the most frequently-used drugs designed to treat breast cancer.

Click HERE to read more

Scientists discover protein linked to memory loss and autism

Researchers may have a new tool in the fight to cure neurological diseases after they discovered the role of an important brain protein which helps store learning as long-term memories.

In a study published in Nature Neuroscience, they said further research into the Arc protein‘s role could help in finding new ways to fight neurological diseases. The protein might also be connected to autism.

Research has also revealed the protein is lacking in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Scientists recently discovered that Arc is depleted in the hippocampus, the brain’s memory center, for patients suffering from Alzheimer’s.


Scientists discover protein linked to memory loss and autism